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In a Nutshell

I've been wanting to create a forum where introverted leaders can meet, laugh, share their funny stories, and frankly just feel deeply accepted by a community of fellow introverts. How many times have you been in a meeting, or attended a conference, and you look around at the shiny, happy faces and all you want to do is go back to your office, or back to your room? Especially when someone breaks out the Icebreaker activity! I swear the icebreaker was invented by extroverts so they could meet their intense social needs to get to know everyone quickly. 


You see, we are a bit different. We want to get to know people. We are not people-hating robots. We just want to get to know you one at a time, and we really want to know something important about you, not just the surface stuff. That's how we do relationship. 

Yes you can.jpeg


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